The Aero Club Skopje was founded in the distant 1923. From the moment of its formation to this day, it has been dedicated to the development and popularization of aviation sports in Macedonia. We developed the commercial sector to support our mission and to establish a sound basis for the safe and uninterrupted Development of Aviation in Macedonia.
ACS is the operator of the Sports Airport Stenkovec (LWSN) where people can safely engage in aviation sports, under the applicable legal norms in Macedonia and the European Standards.
In addition to the functional airplane service and the school for pilots and skydivers, ACS carries out other commercial activities. We hold a Certificate for Performing Specialized Services with an aircraft that includes:
Disposal of chemicals and water: Spraying Against Mosquitoes, Fox Rabies Vaccination.
Observation and Patrolling: Early detection of forest fires, Production Studio Service, Recording for TV and Movies, Topographic mapping.
Aerial Advertising and Communication: Airplane Banners
Our primary market is focused on Macedonia, but due to our extensive aviation experience, established infrastructure, and great management team, we started to offer our services to neighboring countries.
Our main principles are commitment, efficiency, and hard work, all dedicated to serving our members, clients, and the community.