Flying is our core activity and we have extensive experience in managing aviation activities.
We have extensive experience in sky banner advertising not only in Macedonia but also in Kosovo, Montenegro, and Albania.
For already five years now, we have been performing wildlife rabies control activities, aimed at vaccinating foxes all around the Balkans by delivering oral rabies vaccine baits.
In 2017, we procured twin-engine aircraft, equipped with atomizers (sprayers) which can be used to spray insecticides, fungicides and other products which are not harmful to the environment.
Disposing chemicals and water from aircrafts
Two methods are employed for disposal of chemicals from aircrafts, as follows: Disposal by granulation method and Disposal by means of spraying.
A fully-automated aerial baiting system for distribution of vaccine baits is used when employing the granulation disposal method. This system has been developed in close cooperation with the University of Stuttgart, Germany and has been used in fighting Rabies, Echinococcus multilocularis and Hog Cholera.
The system allows equal distribution of vaccines and it automatically releases and records the coordinates of each individual vaccine. In this way, clear records are generated as to exact location of distribution of vaccines.
The Aero Club has been using this method for three years now for vaccination of foxes against rabies on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro and Kosovo.
Disposing chemicals and water using this method is employed in delivering the following specialized services: eradicating invading insects in agriculture; preventing propagation of plant diseases in agriculture and forestry; destroying weeds and shrubs; eradicating animal pests.
Moreover, such specialized services include mosquito control measures consisting of spraying against larvae and adult mosquitoes for which the Aero Club has procured and has certified three of its aircrafts. Two planes, which are twin-engine aircrafts, are designed to safely fly low above cities and one single-engine plane for coastal areas, water surfaces and uninhabited suburban areas. According to the latest European regulations, single-engine aircrafts are not used in flights over populated areas due to safety reasons.
The planes are equipped with АU6539 atomizers (sprayers) which use rotating cylinder equipped with net producing micro droplets, or spray, of controlled size delivered in a controlled flow of several milliliters/minute up to 3 liters/minute. This atomizer has been designed to deliver a wide range of insecticides, fungicides and other products that are environmentally friendly and can be effectively applied in smaller quantities. Droplet size control ensures that the maximum amount of fluid is sprayed at optimum droplet size. This reduces product waste and pollution which might be caused in the event of spraying large droplets. Producers of these substances provide recommendations on the proper use of this system.

Aerial Advertising and Communication
Sky Banner Ad Advertising: An airplane flying a banner is a sure way to get everyone’s attention. It is a great way of getting your short message across in a really efficient manner.
Surveillance and Patrolling
Surveillance and patrolling is important in early detection of wildfires, and it can also be employed for coordination in the event of natural disasters. Wildfires usually take place at remote and inaccessible locations and are best spotted from above.
Other times, it is easier and more reliable to observe crops, herds and agricultural land from the air.
Television or movie shooting and topographic survey mapping also fall into this category. For this particular purpose, the ACS owns a modified aircraft on which special camera can be installed.
Weather modification project
AirClub Skopje has 3 fully equipped airplanes for weather modification (cloud seeding operations) from Italian airplane manufacturer Partenavia P68B Victor with state-of-the-art equipment, certified by EASA PART-21 Design Organization.
We use two Weather radars, one located in the central part of the country – Topolcani, and the other one in the eastern part – Gjuriste. Both radars are operated by the National Hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of North Macedonia.
To increase flight safety we installed ADSB-out receivers on key points around the country where the Radar operators can see the airplane position, altitude, and speed using the famous Flightradar24 platform. The Radar operators can guide the plane from their radar position using azimuth with distance so the pilots can precisely activate the flares.
The Pilot flies the plane to the part of the cloud where the uplift forces are strongest and here the flares are activated by Оperator.
Cloud seeding is a type of weather modification that aims to change the amount or type of precipitation that falls from clouds by dispersing substances into the air that serve as cloud condensation or ice nuclei, which alter the microphysical processes within the cloud.